Thursday, May 10, 2012

China Glaze Harvest Moon

Good Afternoon Ninjas!

After some consideration on the matter and a little reality check, I've begun looking at applying to Graduate School. I'm hoping to find a program in Mass Communication or Advertising at one of the local Universities so I won't have to move to continue my schooling. This is sort of exciting for me, and I know my mother is thrilled because she wants me to get "A floppy hat". That's what she calls the different, non-cardboard hats that graduates wear to their commencement ceremonies. So, if anyone knows of a good Advertising/Mass Communication Grad school in NC, I'm all ears!

Today I've got swatches of China Glaze's Harvest Moon for you. Harvest Moon is the polish for District 9 in the Hunger Games which handles all of the grain. HM is a bronze metallic foil polish that looks amazing in the bottle and on the nail. However, in person, this color didn't suit me at all. I don't know that is shows in the pictures but this polish just didn't sit right with my pinkish/olive skin tone. Alas, it was really fun to wear and easy to apply in two thin coats.


  1. I hope that you can find a great program!! :D
    Gorgeous polish! :D

  2. I have no interest in the Hunger Games at all, but that is some gorgeous polish.


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